SBA 504
CityWide’s SBA 504 loan program provides fixed rate financing for fixed assets to businesses throughout the Dayton Region.
Eligible Businesses
- Business must be for-profit
- Net worth of business must not typically exceed $15,000,000
- Previous two-year average after tax profits must not typically exceed $5,000,000 or size standards based on industry classification
Eligible Loan Uses
- Real estate acquisition
- New construction
- Renovation of existing buildings
- Machinery and equipment acquisition
- Project related soft costs
- Refinance of commercial real estate loans
The Benefits
- Long-term financing, up to 25 years
- 2nd Mortgage subordinate debt
- Equity injection as low as 10%
- Fixed, low interest rate
- Fully assumable
- Guarantee fees lower than SBA 7(a) program on average
Typical Gap Financing Loan Structure
- 50% bank or other private lender
- 40% CityWide SBA 504 Loan
- 10% owner’s equity injection
Maximum Loan Amount
- Up to $5,000,000; $5,500,000 if manufacturer
- $75,000 of SBA 504 loan dollars per job created or retained
- $125,000 of SBA 504 loan dollars per job created or retained by small manufacturers
- Rates are fixed for the full term of the loan
- $500 application fee
- SBA 504 fees, approximately 2.25% of loan amount plus underwriting fee, are financed over the term of the loan
- Deposit due upon acceptance of loan commitment to cover out-of-pocket closing costs – i.e. legal, title, recording, etc.